Thursday, November 12, 2020

I Aborted My Ex Boyfriend's Kid And Laughed About It To His Face! LOL!

I'm so pro-abortion that when I convinced my ex-boyfriend that I wanted a kid with him, and when he finally knocked my whore-ass up, I went behind his back and aborted it! Just for shits and giggles! I was like, really bored, and was trying to think up the best way to emotionally destroy him, when the most brilliant idea occurred to me! Get an abortion and then laugh in his face about it months later!

You should have seen the look on his face! OMG it was hilarious! He was all like "... ... ..."! He couldn't even speak! I knew that would shut his ass up LOL! Then he started crying and I was all like, "Stop crying you fucking faggot!"

I mean, what kind of a pussy cries about the death of his unborn child? LOL! It's not like it was worth anything LOL! What a faggot! Besides, don't I have enough kids that I'm neglecting already? 

I Am Irresponsible And Can't Avoid Getting Evicted From Anywhere I Live

I am a fat fucking loser who would rather drink my paychecks away than pay my rent. LOL! Here's my most recent eviction. Right now I'm using one of my friends and living with them in Noblesville. Because using people is so much easier than being responsible and paying for my own shit. LOL! Paying rent is dumb LOL! Especially when there's alcohol I can buy with my money! Fuck being responsible and taking care of my kids LOL! I'm proud to be a shitty mother! It's the best! LOL!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

I blame others for my shitty life choices and refuse to take responsibility for how my life turned out

I hate how my life turned out. My ex husband is a gay meth head with AIDS, and my ex boyfriend is a gay meth head with AIDS. Why does everyone I fuck turn into a gay meth head with AIDS? It definitely isn't me, even though I'm the only common denominator in this equation.

Why did I decide to become an insecure alcoholic who dropped out of college? I know! It's my ex husband's fault! He totally knocked me up and killed my dreams of becoming an English major or some other equally pointless thing. Nevermind the fact that women who have kids go to college all the time. That won't stop me from pointing fingers, oh no!

In summation, everything bad in my life is everyone else's fault and I am just a victim of unfortunate circumstances with no control over anything LOL!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

If my boyfriend is interested in doing anything other than paying attention to me all the time, I will scream at him and call him a faggot.

I mean, I just can't see how anybody who is lucky enough to be dating me would be interested in ANYTHING other than paying attention to me every second of every day! It really infuriates me when my boyfriend decides that he wants to pursue a hobby because I should be his only hobby. So anytime he does this, I will yell and scream at him and make passive aggressive comparisons between him and my gay ex-husband just to drive home the point that if he isn't spending every waking second paying attention to me, he's a fucking queer just like my ex husband and probably gave me AIDS. I accuse him of giving me AIDS all the time. He just sits there and takes it (right up the ass, the faggot LOL!). What a retard! LOL! But seriously, he probably is just another faggot, because he actually wants to spend a small amount of time NOT paying attention to me. What a fag. I can't believe the dumb faggot is still paying for my car... What a fucking idiot! LOL!

I steal money from my daughters to buy booze

I don't know if I ever told you guys this, but I like to drink. A lot. It is this writer's opinion that I am a severe alcoholic and should probably get help with that, but I digress. Who has time to do that? This liquor isn't going to drink itself!

When I'm broke, I like to go through my daughters' pants pockets and search their rooms for any cash they might be hiding from me. Sometimes I luck out and I'm able to steal the money they received from their grandparents for their birthdays. One time, I stole $70 that my oldest daughter was saving for a class trip LOL! That will teach her a valuable lesson: Next time, leave your money at your meth head dad's house, where it's safe.

If they don't have money, I usually just force my boyfriend to borrow from his parents so I can drink. I'm not about to go through the DTs just because I'm irresponsible with my money and drain every man I'm with completely dry, like some sort of financial and emotional vampire trash monster. Why should I have to go without my liquor? #YOLO, am I right, ladies? LOL!

I hit myself in the head to force my boyfriend to not leave me LOL!

I've noticed that every time my boyfriend wants to leave me because I'm acting like a stupid fat bitchy cunt, all I have to do is start hitting myself in the face to get him to stop doing that LOL! I mean, how dumb is he? He seriously thinks I love him! I don't love anybody but me, myself, and other women, because I'm secretly a lesbian (shh! don't tell anyone LOL!) Nah, I just need him to pay my bills because I don't want to. But that's okay. If he won't, I know my mommy and daddy will! LOL! God people are so easy to use, it's crazy!

I'm really insecure and will take it out on you!

For those of you who don't know me, hi. My name is Dana Glatt. I'm a really insecure fat girl who never developed any skills and somehow that's everyone else's fault but mine. I mean, growing up in the lap of luxury like I did took its toll on me. My parents had money, I never had to worry about a single thing growing up. But I decided that actually doing something with my life was too hard. So I married a guy and made HIM take care of me! LOL! Well, I decided to cheat on him with another guy and divorce him. Now he's a homeless gay meth addict. I must have that effect on men! LOL! Anywho, this is my blog, and it's all about me. Don't expect to get a word in edgewise, because I have a LOT to say. And my opinion is the only one that matters! LOL!

I Aborted My Ex Boyfriend's Kid And Laughed About It To His Face! LOL!

I'm so pro-abortion that when I convinced my ex-boyfriend that I wanted a kid with him, and when he finally knocked my whore-ass up, I w...

Copyright © 2019 Dana Glatt. I think my ex-husband might have given me AIDS... LOL! Also, this is satire.